Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Mother Earth Day: Webinar Conference today!

The European Rights of Nature Hub is hosting a Mother Earth Day: Webinar Conference today!

Dear members of the European Rights of Nature movement,

The day has come and it is time for us to hold our very first event together as a Hub! We are so excited about this and we hope you are too!

We would like to ask you to do one final push in your networks, sharing the information with friends, family, colleagues and others who might be interested in taking part of this unique space.

Link to join the webinar conference: bit.ly/motherearth2020
Key for access to the conference: Pachamama

18:30-19:00: Welcome + Introduction to the Rights of Nature movement and the European Rights of Nature Hub - Hana Begovic
19:00-19:30: Indigenous Sámi People and the protection of Sápmi Nature - Stefan Mikaelsson
19:30-20:00: The dynamics of Rights of Nature, Ecocide and Planetary Boundaries in France - Marine Calmet
20:00-20:30: Questions to the speakers + closing space

Download the promotion image here, with the date, time, link to join, info about speakers etc. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us at europeanhub(ELIMINAR)@therightsofnature.org


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