Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Acte en motiu dels Premis Internacionals d’Ecologia Ramon Margalef 2020 i 2021

Dimecres 10 de novembre de 2021 a les 9:30h. Aula Magna. Facultat de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona


9.30h Institutional Welcome. Rector of the University and Faculty of Biology representatives

10.00h Conference of awarded Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology 2020. Sandra Lavorel (University of Grenoble, France) How can people work with nature to adapt to global change?

10.45h Conference of awarded Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology 2021. Jordi Bascompte (University of Zurich, Switzerland) The robustness of the web of life in the face of global change

11.30h Pause

12:00h Dialog/colloquium Sandra Lavorel and Jordi Bascompte with questions by Salvador Pueyo, Cristina Linares and Jofre Carnicer (University of Barcelona)

14:00h Closure

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