Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The Challenges for Global Governance: Climate Change, Conflict, Pandemics and Extreme Poverty

Activitats, Activitats en el marc del Màster Universitari en Dret Ambiental  - 

On the occasion of the forthcoming Global Challenges Prize 2017, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and Global Challenges Foundation invite you to a panel discussion on "The Challenges for Global Governance: Climate Change, Conflict, Pandemics and Extreme Poverty".  

The event will examine some of the world's most pressing challenges and look at ways the world community is managing global risks. In this context, how can these risks be minimized? Is the current global framework working effectively? What are the best solutions that you know of concerning how to tackle these challenges - climate change, conflict, pandemics and extreme poverty?

Please note that the panel discussion will be in English and includes a Q&A session.

It will then be followed by a light lunch.

Join the discussion with:

Eckart Woertz, Senior Research Fellow and Research Coordinator, CIDOB

Carl Lindgren, Senior Advisor, Global Challenges Foundation

Rafael Vilasanjuan Sanpere, Policy and Global Development Director, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (IS Global)

Luigi Carafa, Marie Curie Research Fellow, CIDOB

Angel Saz-Carranza, Director, Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, ESADEgeo

To confirm attendance, follow this link

More information about the ongoing call for the Global Challenges Prize can be found here.

14th February 2017 - 12:00h

Venue: CIDOB, Elisabets 12, Barcelona

Organised by: CIDOB and Global Challenges Foundation 


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