Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Call for papers for the conference “Persistent Imbalances In International Trade And The Prospects For Sustainable Development: Focus On The Developing Countries”

Activitats  - 

The call for papers for the conference "Persistent Imbalances In International Trade And The Prospects For Sustainable Development: Focus On The Developing Countries", jointly organized by the University of Ljubljana, School of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, Slovenia, the ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law and the ASIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law, is now available.

The international conference will take place in person, on the premises of the University of Ljubljana, School of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, Slovenia on 30 June -1 July 2023.

Abstracts should be submitted via e-mail to both the following addresses: paolo.farah(ELIMINAR)@glawcal.org.ukmatjaz.nahtigal(ELIMINAR)@fdv.uni-lj.siby 30 April 2023.

The full call for papers is available here.


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